Cricket and stuff
Last week I rambled on about how many ways you could be 'out' at cricket.
Well, here they are, all ten of them.
Leg before wicket (LBW)
Run out
Hit own wicket
Hit ball twice
Handled the ball
Obstructing a fielder
Timed out (excessive delay in coming into bat, i.e. over 3 minutes)
What about that then. What do you think of the show so far?
By the way, phrase of the day is EUPHEMISM.
According to the best dictionaries, a euphemism 'blurs the meaning' and can be a cause for confusion; a 'mild or less direct word substituted for one that is harsh or blunt when referring to something unpleasant or embarrassing'.
One example given for a euphemism (not to be confused with 'euphuism' which is an 'artificial, highly elaborate way of writing or speaking') is using the word 'cloakroom' for 'lavatory'. I for one have never left a coat in the toilet. God forbid you might consider taking relief in a room full of coats. Mind you, having just watched the film version of 'The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe', I'm not so sure.
Perhaps I should have used a euphemism for that last comment. Sorry. Hope me Mom's not reading this.
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