Sunday, September 17, 2006

Going thin on top

There are various euphemisms for going bald.
'Going thin on top', 'Less hay than there used to be', 'Follically challenged' and as we say in the Black Country 'he can't have his hair cut any longer' - a friend of mine from Bedford (ok, London, if you come from Dudley), asked me about this expression. "How can you have your hair cut longer?" Honestly, he WAS intelligent. He was an accountant.
When I say intelligent...... As I say, he was an accountant.

Any road up for a pound of feathers, this reminds me (quickly changing the subject as I am ever-so-slightly follically challenged) - LAWNS.
My Dad, proper Black Country, once said "Yo cor cut it no mower".
A trip to the fair and a hairy coconut to the first person who correctly translates that one.

Anyway, from up here, Bedford IS London. People down south think that we're all Brummies.

Flippin' Eck. I've almost forgotten why I started rambling on about being a baldy-man.
My wife, Gord Bless 'Er has not heard of the expression 'grass doesn't grow on a busy street'.
As you will all know (unless you are an accountant), this is my excuse for being 'follically challenged, going thin on top' etc etc ...................


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