Thursday, September 28, 2006

Lesson Planning

There is so much to take in - planning my next lesson (I've only taught 4 lessons so far in my fledgling teaching career) will be like swinging a golf club for the first time:

"Address the ball, keep your head still, make sure your left arm is straight, focus on the back of the ball, deep breath, take the club back in an arc just above your right shoulder, keep your left foot firmly planted on the ground, swivel your hips, start to transfer the weight from your right foot to your left, bring your right knee in, bring the club down (keeping your head still and right-arm straight), shift the weight onto your left foot as you are almost standing on your right toe, strike the ball firmly and follow right through the ball with the club hitting the ground just in front of the ball as your hips swivel 90 degrees to the left; your left foot should still be firmly planted on the ground as you follow through, and the club should finish above your head, pointing away from the flight of the ball".

Me brain hurts. New balls please.


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