Great Black Country Folk
As a youngster I heard many conversations involving some lovely Black Country people.
Kevin Peterson, the so-called English batsman (isn't he South African) may not like the Black Country accent and dialect. I love it. Also, because I am Black Country (and proud of it) I feel entitled to poke fun (affectionately) at this rich and ancient sub-set of English.
I can recall standing with my grandfather in the early sixties somewhere in Kates Hill watching a new housing estate being developed. A friend of his was chatting to him about the building methods (my grandfather was a self-employed carpenter). Grandad pointed out the new style of windows the builders were using on the houses. It went something like this.
Grandad: "See them windas? Tham bays, bin um"
Friend: "Arr"
Grandad: "If yo say they bay bays, I say they bin bays. When they ay bays, wot bin um?"
Friend: "Dow know"
He then pointed to a previous development, which had used a different style of window.
Grandad: "Thaim windas, bin um, but not bays. The bays that ay bays am windas. The bays that'am bays am bay windas"
Friend: "Arr"
P.S. I make no apology for spelling Kevin the batman's name incorrectly.
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